Friday, March 2, 2012


All the virtues of Soorah Yaa – Seen are either based on Weak or Fabricated Ahadeeth. The following are few of the (many) commonly quoted ‘Virtues’ and their authentication done by Scholars of Ahadeeth.
Hadeeth One:
 Narrator-    Anas  (r)   that the Messenger of Allaah (sal) said,
 “Indeed for everything there is a heart, and the Qur’aan’s hearet is Yaa – Seen.
 Whoever recites Yaa – Seen, then for its recitation, Allaah writes for him that he recited the Qur’aan ten times.”
 Refutation by: (1)  Imaam Tirmithee : “Haaroon Aboo Muhammad (one of the narrators) is a sheikh who is Majhool (unknown).”(Ref. Jaami’ at – Tirmithee, Volume 5, Book 42, Hadeeth Number 2,887, p. 225)
(2) Haafiz Aboo Taahir Zubayr ‘Alee Za’i classed its Isnaad (chain) as Da’eef (weak).
(3) Sheikh al – Albaanee in( As - Silsilah al – Ahaadeeth ad-Da’eefah, Number 169 and Da’eef Taghreeb was Tarheeb, Number 885)  Classed as Mawdoo’ (fabricated)
Hadeeth Two:
Narrator: Aboo Hurayrah(r) :Messenger of Allaah (sal) said: 
Allaah recited Ta-Ha and Ya-Seen one thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth
Refutation: . Sheikh al – Albaanee said, in( As - Silsilah al – Ahaadeeth ad-Da’eefah, Number 1,248,)  “[it is] Munkar (Denounced) [a form of Da’eef or weak Hadeeth].”

Hadeeth Three
 Narrated:  Anas ibn Maalik (r): the Messenger of Allaah (sal) said:
“Whoever enters the graveyard and recites Soorat Yaa – Seen, (the torment) will be reduced for them that day, and he will have hasanaat equivalent to the number of people in the graveyard.” 
 Refutation:  Narrated by al – Tha’labi in his Tafseer (3/161/2). Sheikh al – Albaanee said, in Silsilah Ahadeeth Ad-Da’eefah, Number 1,246, “It is Mawdoo’ (fabricated).”
Hadeeth Four
 Narrated:  Ma’qil bin Yasaar (r): that the Messenger of Allaah (sal) said: “Recite Qur’aan near your dying ones,” meaning Yaa – Seen.
  Refutation: ( Sunan Ibn Maajah, Volume 2, Book 6, Hadeeth Number 1,448, p. 369. Haafiz Aboo Taahir Zubayr ‘Alee Za’i ) states: that Aboo ‘Uthmaan (one of the narrators) is Majhool (unknown) and classed the Hadeeth as Da’eef (weak).

In a slightly different wording: It was narrated from Ma’qil bin Yasaar (r) that the Messenger of Allaah (sal) said, Recite Yaa – Seen for your dying ones.
 Sunan Aboo Daawood, Volume 3, Book 20, Hadeeth Number 3,121, p. 568. Haafiz Aboo Taahir Zubayr ‘Alee Za’i states that Aboo ‘Uthmaan (one of the narrators) is Majhool (unknown) and classed the Hadeeth as Da’eef (weak). He comments, “…The narrations concerning the recitation of Soorah Yaa – Seen are not authentic. We should instead supplicate to Allaah to grant the deceased ease.
Hadeeth Five
  Refutation: Narrated: ‘Ataa ibn Abee Rabah (r) that Allaah’s Messenger (sal) said, If anyone recites Yaa – Seen at the beginning of the day, his needs will be fulfilled.”
 Narrated: al – Daarimee, Number 3,281. Classed as Da’eef (weak), by Sheikh al – Albaanee, in Mishkaat al – Masaabih, Number 2,118.
Hadeeth Six
 [It is claimed] the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Yaa – Seen is for that for which it is read.” meaning that reading Soorat Ya – Seen may cause needs to be met and may make things easier, according to the intention of the reader when he reads it. 
Refutation: Al – Sakhaawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said of this hadeeth: “There is no basis for this version.” Al-Maqaasid al-Hasanah, Number 741. Al-Qadi Zakariya said in Haashiyat al-Baydaawi: “It is Mawdoo’ (fabricated),” as it says in Kashf al-Khafa’ (2/2215).
 Whoever reads Soorat Ya-Seen (36) in one night will be forgiven in the morning. (weak)
  Whoever continues to read it every night then dies, will die as a martyr. (weak)  
In conclusion: there is no doubt that Soorah Yaa – Seen is a beautiful Soorah. However, to attribute such erroneous claims to it is wrong and dangerous.  And Allaah knows best.