Rd;dh njhOiffy; (Ke;jpAk; gpd;Gk;)
hd{dj,a ^fmr – miqj&
The Friday Prayer
is one of the most important acts of worship in Islam. Allah has vouchsafed wonderful blessings and benefits through this magnificent act. Hence Muslims should do their
best and strive and sacrifice for the sake of this prayer by performing it in
the best way possible.
Prophet (Sal) said: “ There are three types of people
who attend the Friday Prayer. One is a man who is present but speaks during the Khutbah and that is his portion of the prayer. Second is a man who is present
and makes supplications. In his case,
Allah may give him what he asks, if He wishes, or He may not give him what he
asks. Third is a person who is present and observes silence
and does not step over the necks of the Muslims nor does he harm anyone. For him, there is an expiation from that
Friday until the previous Friday plus an additional three days.
One should do his best to fulfill a number of
acts and then, upon doing so, the Friday Prayer will be an expiation for him
for ten days of deeds
91:9- Mh jsssssfYdaOkh l< wh it,j;a o+uhh’ 91:10-Mh ^jevSfuka&
j<lajk wh kgqj;ajk o=uh’
jd;idg; ghpRj;jkhf;fpf; nfhz;lhNdh mtd;>epr;rakhf rpj;jpaile;Jtpl;lhd;.
91:10 -Vtd; mjidg; Gijj;Jtpl;lhNdh mtd; epr;rakhf e\;lkile;Jtpl;lhd;.
.91:9- Truly he succeeds that
purifies it 91:10- And he fails that corrupts it! 6153
- O ye who believe! when the call is
proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly) hasten earnestly to the
Remembrance of Allah and leave off business (and traffic): that is best for you
if ye but knew! 5461
5461 Friday, is primarily the Day of
Assembly, the weekly meeting of the Congregation, when we show our unity by
sharing in common public worship, preceded by a Khutba, in which the Imam (or
Leader) reviews the week's life of the Community and offers advice and
exhortation on good living. Notice the gradations of social contact for Muslims
if they followed the wise ordinances of their Faith. (1) Each individual
remembers Allah for himself or herself five or more times every day in the home
or place of business, or local mosque, or open air, as the case may be. (2) On
Friday in every week there is a local meeting in the central mosque of each
local centre,-it may be a village, or town, or ward of a big city. (3) At the two
'Ids every year, there is a large local area meeting in one centre. (4) Once at
least in a lifetime, where possible, a Muslim shares in the vast international
assemblage of the world, in the centre of Islam, at the Makkan Pilgrimage. A happy combination of decentralisation and
centralisation, of individual liberty and collective meeting, and contact at
various stages or grades. The mechanical part of this ordinance is easy to
carry out. Are we carrying
out the more difficult part?-the spirit of unity, brotherhood, mutual
consultation, and collective understanding and action? (62.9)
al-Farisi narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace
be upon him) said: “Anyone who takes a bath on Friday, oils his hair or scents
himself, does not force his way between
two persons sitting
together in the mosque..and remains quiet while the Imam delivers the Khutbah,
all his sins between the present and the last Friday will be forgiven.”
l,Ska meusKSu-
Neuj;Jld; tUif
*Going early to the Friday Prayer Not run or rush. Preferred to
walk.(Al-Nawawi,Majmu,vol.2,p.536 & Ahmad, Abu Dawud &others)
*Not Making someone stand and then taking his place.
Wrysi Wvska lvd mekSu
Njhspd; Nkshy; gha;jy;
stepping over people to get to a place in the mosque. The Prophet (Sal) saw a man stepping over the people’s neck
while he was delivering a Khutbah and he told the man, “Sit down. You have
harmed the people and have come late.” (Abu Dawud & others)
we._,s weTrSu hd[dj mgkaf.k f;la njhOif
Muk;gpf;Fk; tiu tpuy; jpUg;Gjy;
*Not clasping
one’s hands
and intertwining one’s fingers while waiting for the Prayer. (Ahmad, Abu Dawud,
al-Tirmidhi & others
fm< Kd; tupir
close to the Imam (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nasai, ibn majah, ibn
Khuzaima, ibn Hibban,al-Hakim) ….It
is a dreadful sight when even those who come to the mosque early do not sit in
the front rows waiting for the prayer.
Instead, they prefer to sit in the back of the mosque to lean against
the wall or talk to their friends. The Prophet (Sal) said : “People will
continue to withdraw to rows behind the first one until Allah puts them in a
back place in Hell.”(Abu Dawud)
orejka msysgSu msgqmi fm, rpUtHfs; gpd;tupirapy;
Fiqh 2.63a
The positioning of the young and the women
The Messenger of Allah placed the men in front of the young
boys and
the women behind the young boys. This is related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud.
m%dra:kd aL-cQuqwdg l,ska
-(egptop)- njhOiff;F Ke;jpa Rd;dh
Figh 2.144a
Nawaf ’I before al-Jumu’ah
Concerning any sunnah prayer before the Friday salah, Ibn Taimiyyah writes: "The Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam never offered any salah after the
adhan and before the Friday salah, and no
one has ever related such an act from him.
l,ska iqqkakd
m%dra:kdjla ke;
[_KMcila Ke;jpa Rd;dhnjhOif vd;W xd;Wk; ,y;iy.
The majority of the early scholars, including Imams Malik, al-Shafi’I and Ahmad, never
stated that there is any such thing as a specific sunnah prayer before the Friday Prayer. Instead of a specific sunnah prayer before the Friday Prayer, the person is free to pray
whatever he wishes of a voluntary nature. But to claim that such
prayers are sunnah is incorrect and is tantamount to creating an innovation in
the religion
For any prayer
to be considered sunnah, it
must be confirmed that the Prophet either
did it or approved of it. No one can establish a
sunnah prayer except the Prophet .
If anyone claims that a
particular prayer is sunnah, the burden of proof is upon him to show that the
Prophet (Sal) performed it.
jra;udk uqia,sus jreka ,d;iwa K];ypk;fs;
The Muslims
of today have become – save for those whom your Lord
has had mercy on – two types: One type
prays all of his prayers, including the voluntary prayers, in the mosque and
the other type prays all of his prayers, including the obligatory prayers, in
the house. One is extreme and the other is too lax. The correct guidance is the guidance of
He would pray the obligatory prayers in the mosque and his voluntary
prayers in his house with the exception of
the tahiyyat al-masjid prayer which can only be prayed in the mosque.(Wanaly,p.184)
However, it is best
or preferred to say the sunnah
prayers in one’s own house and not in the mosque, if possible and
feasible. The Prophet (Sal) said: “The best prayer of a person is his prayer in his
house, except for the obligatory prayers. (al-Nasai & others) “The
similitude of a house wherein Allah’s name is mentioned and that wherein
Allah’s name is not mentioned is like the living and the dead.” (al-Bukhari/Muslim). Unfortunetely, this is a
sunnah that is forgotten by many today.!
iqqkakd m%dra:kd aL-cQuqwdg
miqj (Rd;dh-egptop-njhOiff;Fg; gpd;dhy;)
IBN Umar said
:The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) never prayed after the
Friday prayer until he departed (from the mosque ) and he would then pray
two rakats at home) recorded by al-Bukhari
Ibn al-Qayyim says: "After the Prophet finished the Jumu'ah,
would enter his house and pray two rak'at, and he ordered those who
prayed the Jumu'ah to pray four rak'at after it.
Our sheikh Ibn
Taimiyyah says: 'When he prayed in the
mosque, he would pray four [rak'at], and when he prayed in his house, he would pray two rak'at.' I say: this is what
the hadith is pointing to. Abu Dawud records from ibn 'Umar that when he prayed
in the mosque, he would pray four rak'at, and when he prayed in his house, he
would pray two rak'at. Also, in the two Sahihs it is reported from ibn 'Umar
that the Prophet would pray two rak'at in his house after the Friday
Unfortunately, what occurs in many mosques is that they
first make an early call to prayer.
Then, the people who were sitting and reading the Quran or making dhikr,
will immediately get up and start praying something they call a sunnah prayer. Again, there is no such sunnah prayer and
this act is an innovation. In most cases, this
is done out of ignorance and therefore, these
people must be told that they are praying “a sunnah prayer” that has no source
in the sunnah!
are actions that people do out of ignorance not knowing that what they are
doing is wrong. Upon seeing what is correct, they should eagerly and quickly
change their habits and follow what is correct.
- gpj;mj;(egp topf;F khw;wkhdJ) gpioahdJ
INNOVATIONS is much more dangerous for a person’s religion. In following what is
wrong, he believes and insists that what he is doing is correct and is pleasing to Allah!
“Innovations are worse and more harmful than sins Because the person who performs or follows
innovations believes them to be true and
obedience to Allah but this is a lie against Allah and it is a position concerning His
religion that is not based on any fact and it is very rare that such an
innovator should repent.” This is why
ibn Taimiya has stated that innovations are MORE EVIL THAN ADULTERY, THEFT AND
al-Albani once wrote:
A Muslim does not complete his getting
closer to Allah except by avoiding such innovations.
This is not possible unless he knows them individually. Otherwise he will fall into innovations
without realizing it. This can be witnessed from many Muslims who seek to approach Allah by actions which are the greatest
types of SHIRK, such as making vows to the pious and righteous people,
swearing by them, circumambulating their graves, building mosques upon their
graves and other actions which are well-known to be acts of shirk according to
the scholars. Therefore, it is not
sufficient to worship by just knowing what is the sunnah. But one must also know what is its opposite
in innovations.
Prophet has said: “ For whoever says there is no one
worthy of worship except Allah and denies whatever is worshipped
besides Allah, his wealth and blood will
be protected and his reckoning will be with Allah. ” (Muslim)
udrA.h jtuhdKiw
1, Beautifying oneself in ways that are
not Islamically acceptable, such as shaving one’s beard, men wearing silk or
gold, imitating the disbelievers in their best attire.
2. Intentionally wearing an
imamah (turban) as an act of worship,
3. The Imam standing at the
bottom of the minbar making supplications
4. Saying Azan in the mosque in
front of the Khateeb.
5. The Khateeb leaning on a
sword or a wooden sword during the Khutbah.
6. To read Surah al-Ikhlas
three times while the Imam sits between the two Khutbahs.
7. People supplicating and
raising their hands while the Imam sits between the two Khutbahs.
8. The Khateeb being silent
after making supplications in order for the congregation to say, “Ameen”, after
his supplications.
9. The Khateeb raising his
hands while making supplications during the Khutbah,
10. The congregation raising
their hands and saying, “Ameen”, while the Khateeb is making supplications.The
Hanafi scholar ibn Abideen said that if they raise their hands, they are
certainly sinners. (Quoted in Salman, p.394)
11. Prolonging the Khutbah and
making the prayer short.
12. Performing the Dhur Prayer
after praying the Friday Prayer.
13. Performing two rakats of
“sunnah” after the first call to Prayer,
14. Wiping one’s hand over the
Khateeb as he comes down from the minbar in order to get blessings.
15. The congregation wiping
their faces with their hands after the Khateeb has finished his supplications.
16. Performing the sunnah prayer
right after finishing the Friday Prayer without speaking or moving to another
place in the mosque, thus making a break without connecting one prayer with
17. Using the miswak during the
Imam’s delivering of the Khutbah,
18. Playing with pebbles, rosary
beads or whatever during the Khutbah.
19. Avoid separating two persons
standing up for prayers by creeping in between them.
20. Performing prayers between
the two khutbhas while the Imam is sitting.
21. Making Dhikr (remembrance of
Allah) in congregation after the
prayer or reciting Surah-al-Fatihah aloud
after the prayer.
22. To recite Surahs
al-Fatihah,Ikhlas, Falaq, and Nass, 7 times each before moving after the Friday Prayer.(This is based on a
fabricated Hadith –see al-Albani, Dhaeef
al-Jami al-Sagbeer 1988 p.830)
newly wed not attending the Friday Prayer etc.
(See al-Albani,al-Ajuba,pp.65-75,
Wanaly,pp312-348 etc)
72:14 - `Amongst us are
some that submit their wills (to Allah) and some that swerve from justice. Now those who submit their wills they have
sought out (the path) of right conduct: 5738
15 `But those who swerve they are (but)
fuel for Hell Fire ' 5739
5738 - Any one who responds to true Guidance, and submits
his will to Allah, finds that
he makes rapid progress in the path of right conduct and right life. He
gets more and more assurance that his destination is the Garden of Bliss. (72.14)
O Allah, make me grateful to Thee, mindful
of Thee, full of fear towards Thee,
devoted to Thy obedience, humble before
Thee, or penitent. My Lord, accept my repentance, wash away my sin,
answer my supplication, clearly establish my evidence, guide my heart, make true my tongue and draw
out malice in my breast."
May Allah enable everyone to draw benefit from
this and consider this effort as exclusive to Him. :,
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